Fight your way through the story of disasters and heroism in this turn based dystopian sci-fi rpg.

Create, Customize Your Characters
Select from 3 primary factions and customize your own game world character with basic features like hair style and color, portrait, character name.
Primary Factions
Madness Driven | Broken | Storm Clairant |
Select endurant and strong, vile madness driven as your warrior class enhancement. | Select valiant, novice of ancient arts broken as your rogue class enhancement. | Select pure, cultivating telepathic clairants as your wizard class enhancement. |
Gear and Level Up
Farm waves of enemies through out the story and endless battle modes, gather generated items through loot and story rewards, level up and forge your character into a beast through tech tree upgrades. Stack combat abilities and static benefits.

Venture Forward, Complete the Story

Follow characters through out the story mode, fight endless battles of up to 40 waves. Join forces with select characters of various factions, including the secondary factions (survivalists and militia), in visit locations, explore the lore further.